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Rosai™ - Circulation Ems Foot Massager

Regular price   $60.00 Sale price   $34.99 Save 41% video to gif (1)

My doctor told me on more than one occasion that there was nothing he could do to cure my neuropathy.

He just kept prescribing me a bunch of painkillers and pretty much told me that I should get used to living in constant pain.

But I just couldn’t accept it.

I couldn’t believe that in today’s day and age - with all the technological advancements - there’s no way to stop burning and tingling in my feet.

So I started searching the internet, looking for an alternative solution.

And before long, I discovered a man that seemed to have the answer.
That’s When I Met Dr. Jeremy Campbell, a
Renowned Expert on Neuropathy


He’s spent the better part of the last decade creating innovative solutions to help people reverse neuropathy. 

The walls of his office were covered in certifications and awards.

And his website was packed with testimonials from grateful men and women who claimed that he had saved their lives.

I was so excited to meet him!

However… My admiring was quickly cut short and replaced by SHOCK when he started talking and explained the real cause of my neuropathy.

The words that came out of his mouth made me freeze in fear:
“The Nerves in Your Feet Are Suffocating and Dying Off”

Nerve cells in our feet - just like every other cell in our body - require a continuous supply of oxygen in order to function properly.

This oxygen enters the body through the lungs, goes straight to the heart, and then gets delivered around the body through the bloodstream.

This system works perfectly until we start getting older.

That’s because normal aging causes a reduction in total body water - which results in less fluid in the bloodstream and lower blood volume.

The less blood there is in the body, the harder it is for the heart to deliver sufficient amounts of oxygen to all the cells in different body parts.

This gets EVEN worse if you are a diabetic because excess blood sugar decreases the elasticity of blood vessels and causes them to narrow.

…Which further impedes blood flow.

And since your feet are the furthest from the heart, the delivery of oxygen starts taking longer and longer…

…Until the nerve cells in our feet start suffocating and dying off - causing that burning pain, unbearable tingling, and ultimately numbness.

Let me say that again:

The nerve cells in your feet are literally suffocating and dying off as you read this because they are not getting enough oxygen from the blood.

…And there’s not a single pill that can stop it.
Painkillers Are Only Making It Worse

Your doctor has probably prescribed you Gabapentin or Lyrica for your neuropathy - but that’s actually the worst thing you can do.

Why? Because painkillers are only numbing the pain while doing absolutely nothing to stop your nerve cells from dying.

As Dr. Jeremy explained…

It’s like if your car was making a lot of squeaky noises because you are out of oil - and you just turned up the speakers so you don’t hear it.

You are just turning a blind eye to the real underlying problem.

Pain and tingling are warning signs your body is sending you…

…And you should stop neglecting them before it’s too late.
If You Still Feel Pain and Tingling,
That’s Actually Good News!

Nerve cells cause burning and tingling as they shrivel.

…And then they just go numb when they die.

So if you are still feeling burning and tingling, it means that some of your cells are still alive.

Why is this important?

Because National Institute of Health says:
“Peripheral nerves have the ability to REGENERATE as long as the underlying nerve cell has not been killed”
So as long as your feet are not completely numb, there’s a chance that you can save the remaining nerve cells and reverse your neuropathy.
Finally, Dr. Jeremy Told Me That There’s ONE Way to Reverse Neuropathy

…And that is to increase the blood flow in the feet.

If you can increase blood flow to your feet so the nerve cells get the much-needed oxygen, your neuropathy will be gone for good.

But how do you do it?

Traditional medicine would suggest that the way to increase circulation is to move around more.

However, moving is the last thing we want to do when we are in pain.

So… What’s the solution? video to gif (2)

I asked Dr. Jeremy the same question.

And that’s the first time I heard these words:

Neuromuscular Electrical Stimulation Technology.
This New Breakthrough Technology Fixes Blood Circulation Issues and Reverses Neuropathy
in Mere Weeks

This technology sends a unique combination of targeted electric impulses deep into the tissue of feet and instantly kickstarts blood circulation…

….While at the same time triggering all the right nerves in your feet and promoting the regeneration of damaged nerve cells.

…All without moving or even leaving your chair.

This means that within a few days, the nerves in your feet can repair and heal, eliminating the burning pain, tingling, and numbness…

…Allowing you to get back to the things you love again.

…Without constant foot pain and swelling trapping you in your own body.

Rosai™ - Circulation Ems Foot Massager Is Unlike Any Other Solution I’ve Tried Before

Let me be clear. I’ve never experienced anything like Rosai™ - Circulation Ems Foot Massager in my entire life - and I’ve tried pretty much everything under the sun.

This device is miles more powerful than any amount of pills or physical therapies ever could be because it actually awakens the damaged and dead nerves in your feet and solves the actual root cause of neuropathy.

Before long, you'll be able to walk without pain, stand for as long as you want, and even sleep through the night without waking up in agony.

Here’s How to Use Rosai™ - Circulation Ems Foot Massager for Best Results
All you need to do is put your feet on the pad and use the controller to select the mode and the intensity level of your massage.

For optimal results, you’ll want to use it for 15 minutes a day.

That’s how long it takes for the NMES technology to penetrate into the tissue of your feet and bring those damaged nerves back to life.

The massage may feel weird at first , but you will get used to it after a couple of sessions. And more importantly, you are going to love the results.

The pain will begin to fade.

The tingling sensation will slowly disappear.

And you’ll find yourself standing, walking, and even running without any discomfort - something you thought you’d never be able to do again.

What Other People Are Saying

If you check out Rosai™ - Circulation Ems Foot Massager, you will find thousands of reviews from people just like you who were able to completely reverse neuropathy:

So.. What’s the Price?

You’ll get the price in just a minute.

But first, let me ask you this…

How much would it be worth to you to live the rest of your life free of pain, burning, and tingling that’s been holding you hostage all these years?

How much would it be worth to you to get out of bed every morning and be able to do anything you want - without being held back by neuropathy?

How much would it be worth to you to reclaim the youthful appearance and boundless energy while your peers age in front of your eyes?

Just think about that for a second.

How much would that life be worth to you?

$10,000? $20,000? $50,000?

Could you really even put a number on it?

Well, don't worry. You're going to experience all of this for nowhere near what you're thinking or what you'd happily pay.

Dr. Jeremy: It’s Not About the Money!

When I first met Dr. Jeremy, he told me this was never about money for them.

This is about knowing what it feels like to have your health, your career, your hobbies, and your entire life stolen from you by Neuropathy.

This is about having lived through the endless pain, frustration, and helplessness of being unable to enjoy simple daily activities because pain, burning, and tingling are just too much!

Dr. Jeremy doesn’t want you or your loved ones to suffer like this.

He’s been blessed to have stumbled upon this amazing NMES technology.

And all he cares about is getting it into the hands of as many people as possible that it can help.

That’s why you are not going to pay $297 - which is the recommended price for a device of this caliber.

Rosai™ - Circulation Ems Foot Massager doesn’t want the price to stand in your way.

So even though they will be forced to charge a minimum of $197 per massager in the upcoming days just to cover costs…

You won't have to pay that today either.

Right now, today, you can get Rosai™ - Circulation Ems Foot Massager Foot Massager for a simple one-time fee of just $34.95! Yes, just $34.95.

But that’s not all…

If you order more than one Rosai™ - Circulation Ems Foot Massager, you can get an even better price!

That’s because they save a lot of money on shipping when they send bigger orders - and they are happy to share those savings with you.

So if you know someone who could benefit from Rosai™ - Circulation Ems Foot Massager - be it a friend, a family member, or a colleague at work…

Or if you simply want to get more than one for yourself, so you can have one in your bedroom, one in your car, one at work, etc.

I suggest you take advantage of this one-time deal and get the lowest price ever.
FAIR WARNING: Pricing Is Limited to Today Only

Rosai™ - Circulation Ems Foot Massager is only able to guarantee the special pricing for today or until our limited inventory runs out.

They've recently received word from their suppliers that the cost of key parts of the massager is going up substantially on their next order.

On the other hand, they are selling out of this current stock faster than anyone could have anticipated.

So chances are that the next time you see this page, the price will be much, much higher.

Simply put, you'll never be able to buy Rosai™ - Circulation Ems Foot Massager Foot Massager cheaper than today. So without further ado…

Here’s What to Do Next
Click that big green “APPLY DISCOUNT & CHECK AVAILABILITY” button below.

It’s going to take you straight to Rosai™ - Circulation Ems Foot Massager official, encrypted website.

There, you will get a special one-time deal reserved for first-time customers. (As much as 50% OFF)

Again, all you need to do is click the button that says “GET 50% OFF” and your discount code will be automatically applied.

From there, you’ll go straight to the checkout page where you just need to enter your name, address, and credit card information.

…And select how many Rosai™ - Circulation Ems Foot Massager Foot Massagers you want.

I suggest you do AT LEAST two, because the more you get the bigger the discount you receive (you can save as much as 67%!)

That’s because Rosai™ - Circulation Ems Foot Massager saves a lot of money on shipping if they put more products in one box, and they are happy to share those savings with you.

So whenever you are ready, click the big green button below and order your Rosai™ - Circulation Ems Foot Massager  Foot Massagers today at 50% OFF (or more)

Your Investment Today Is Protected by Rosai™ - Circulation Ems Foot Massager Bold Relief-or-Refund Guarantee

Here’s the deal:

Dr. Jeremy and Rosai™ - Circulation Ems Foot Massager believe in their product so much, they don’t want you to spend a dime until you are 100% certain that it works for you.

That’s why they are offering a 90-day, no-questions-asked guarantee.

Simply, get one or two Rosai™ - Circulation Ems Foot Massager Foot Massagers today… Use them for 90 days… And then make your decision based on the results.

If it somehow doesn’t work for you and you don’t experience any relief, they will issue you an immediate refund.

In other words, you are only paying if it turns out to be a complete lifesaver.

And from my experience, I can almost guarantee that it will.

The Only Risk You Could Possibly Face Is One of Pain and Regret If You Miss Out

You have 30 days to test the Rosai™ - Circulation Ems Foot Massager Foot Massager and see for yourself how quickly it can relieve pain, burning, tingling, and numbness.

Remember, no amount of pills, therapies, or anything that you've tried up until now has even had a chance at working - and now you know why.

This is the only device that treats the actual root cause of neuropathy and allows the damaged nerves in your feet to come back to life.

That means that you have two options:

You can keep doing what you’ve been doing until now… Wasting time and money on treatments that you and I both know don’t work…

And basically letting the nerves in your feet die - one by one…

Until your feet go completely numb and you are left in a wheelchair.

OR… Option #2…

You can make the smart decision to try Rosai™ - Circulation Ems Foot Massager and at least have a chance to turn things around in weeks to come.

Remember - You’ve got nothing to lose.

Either it works as advertised and you’ll experience a massive relief.

OR you’ll get your money back right away - no questions asked.

Either way, it’s better than just giving up and doing nothing.

I still thank God every day that I discovered the Rosai™ - Circulation Ems Foot Massager.

It saved my life. And I’m just one of 1000+ people who will tell you that.

You owe it to yourself to give it a shot.

It's time to do the smart thing, the right thing for you and your family while you still can.

Click the button below to apply your discount and give yourself a shot at normal life, free of pain, burning, and tingling.



🏆 Satisfaction Guaranteed: We stand by our product. If you're not content within 30 days, reach out to us for optimal assistance. Your satisfaction is our priority! 🎉 Highly Recommended: Over 98.97% of customers recommend our Techanova™ - Circulation EMS Foot Massager.

Foot Massage Simulator – Beautyclam.UK

Introducing Foot Massage Simulator 

Journey through success with photos shared by individuals who embarked on their path to wellness using the Techanova™ - Circulation EMS Foot Massager. Their stories are remarkable!

"I faced swollen lymph nodes and persistent body fluid retention, causing daily suffering and discomfort. Countless products fell short until a friend introduced the Techanova™ - Circulation EMS Foot Massager. Just one use and I felt a difference - relaxation and pain relief. After 4 weeks, my lymph nodes decreased, fluid accumulation reduced, and my sleep improved drastically. A game-changer for a healthier body." - Jaime Hisker

"Severe arthritis and varicose veins left me sore and sleepless. My doctor recommended the Techanova™ - Circulation EMS Foot Massager. Easy to use with remarkable results. In just 2 weeks, varicose veins disappeared, and cellulite diminished. My body feels rejuvenated and lighter." - Azita Crowley

Techanova™ - Circulation EMS Foot Massager

Discover the power of EMS, infrared heating, and acupoint massaging. This foot massager employs multi-directional stimulation for comprehensive foot physiotherapy, acupoint massage, and more. It enhances blood and lymph circulation, reduces varicose veins, cellulite, and fatigue, while promoting relaxation and stress relief.

Unveiling the Science Behind EMS Technology

Electrical Muscle Stimulation (EMS) mimics the central nervous system by inducing muscle contractions with electrical impulses. This innovative therapy improves circulation, boosts muscle strength, reduces swelling and pain, enhances metabolism, and aids detoxification. Infrared heating and EMS acupressure further enrich the experience.

L&L Skin HONO EMSculpt Body Tightening & Breast Massager

Reducing Fatigue & Enhancing Circulation

Stimulate foot and calf muscles with EMS to promote blood circulation and alleviate discomfort. Acupressure targets specific points, aiding organs in releasing toxins. This ancient practice reduces depression, anxiety, and fatigue while improving flexibility.

Witness True Transformation

Experience the journey of individuals who transformed their lives using the Techanova™ - Circulation EMS Foot Massager:

"After using it for a week, my cellulite reduced, and my swollen lymph nodes disappeared. The body is free from pain and feels energized." - Sylvia Williams

"Techanova™ - Circulation EMS Foot Massager helped me say goodbye to varicose veins, cellulite, and pain. I lost weight from 178lbs to 112lbs." - Jannah Chavez

Unleash the Potential of EMS Technology

Combining the benefits of bioelectric technology, infrared heating, and acupressure, our Techanova™ - Circulation EMS Foot Massager offers unparalleled relief and wellness. With this foot massager, you'll not only reduce stress but also improve your overall physical health.

Features of Techanova™ - Circulation EMS Foot Massager

🔥 Powerful Electrical Muscle Stimulation 🌡️ Infrared Heating for Deep Tissue Penetration 💆 Acupoint Massaging for Stress Relief 💡 User-Friendly Design with LCD Display 🔌 Portable and Lightweight

Revitalize Your Body Today

With Techanova™ - Circulation EMS Foot Massager, pain relief and rejuvenation are within your reach. Improve your well-being and embark on a journey to better health. Get ready to feel the difference!

Package Contents

  • Techanova™ - Circulation EMS Foot Massager (1 PC/2 PCS)
  • Timer, 6 Massage Modes, 9 Adjustable Intensity Modes
  • Portable Design for On-the-Go Relief


  • Dimensions: 29cm x 30cm
  • Material: Polypropylene
  • Color: Black

Unleash the power of Techanova™ - Circulation EMS Foot Massager and experience a life with reduced pain, improved circulation, and renewed energy. Take a step towards wellness today!


✉️ 24/7 Customer Support: We have a team of live reps ready to help and answer any questions you have within a 24-hour time frame, 7 days a week.

WORLDWIDE SHIPPING✈ Each order includes real-time tracking details and insurance coverage in the unlikely event that a package gets lost or stolen in transit.


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  • Techanova works directly with manufacturers all over the world to ensure the best quality of our products. We have a Quality Control department which helps us to keep our promise!
  • Techanova's Price is always competitive.
  • Techanova has an Awesome Customer Service
  • Techanova has Amazing products along with High Quality
  • Read Techanova reviews from our lovely customers




📦 Insured Worldwide Shipping: Techanova guranatees Each order includes real-time tracking details and insurance coverage in the unlikely event that a package gets lost or stolen in transit.

💰 Money Back Guarantee: If your items arrive damaged or becomes defective within 30 days of normal usage, Techanova will gladly issue out a replacement or refund.

✉️ 24/7 Customer Support: Techanova has a team of live reps ready to help and answer any questions you have within a 24 hour time frame, 7 days a week.

🔒 Safe & Secure Checkouts: Techanova uses state-of-the-art SSL Secure encryption to keep your personal and financial information 100% protected.


Shipping Policy:

  • We ship to all locations within the United States and to over 200 countries around the world.
  • Orders are typically processed and shipped within 2-3 business days.
  • Shipping rates will vary based on the size and weight of the item(s) and the destination.

  • No Compromises In Quality
  • 100% Satisfaction Guarantee
  • Free Shipping For Life

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We mean it! If you are unhappy in any way within the first 30 days, we will sort out the return label for you and issue a full refund, hassle-free, no questions asked.


We ship all around the world... Please provide here you own shipping information, including times, prices, options etc.

This depends on whether it is an International or a Domestic order. All orders within the U.S. are considered domestic orders and they are processed and shipped within 2-5 business days. Please see International Orders for more details.

We accept PayPal, Visa, MasterCard, Discover, and American Express but feel free to contact us for other payment options.

We will send tracking information to the e-mail address associated with your order once the item has shipped. If you have not received your tracking information and it has been over 2-4 business day, please contact us at

When ordering as a gift for someone, be sure to enter in your email address to receive all summary information but enter in the recipient’s name and shipping information. We will be sure to keep all prices and receipts out of the package.

If for any reason you are not completely satisfied with your purchase, within 30 days of placing your order, we will refund you for your purchase with no questions asked.

  • UP TO 70% OFF

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